Main category / Utilities
Sub category / AppleScript
Developer / Mousedown
Filesize / 7066
Title / EventScripts
EventScripts version 1.16
The installers for some versions of macOS can be found in the Purchased section of the App Store. Log into the Mac App Store with the Apple ID you used and click Purchased in the menu bar along the top. Scan down the list of apps you've purchased or download for free (which is in order of when you downloaded them) and find the name of your chosen version: El Capitan, Yosemite or whatever. Click download. Once you search for packages which include ‘znc’ install all of them by clicking the highest tab titled All, and all of the tabs below should say “Install” version 1.09 –edit this to be the correct location and file to run (typically only edit after the “drive_c”) Please read carefully!!! At Alobi, we believe every Innovative Technology
Version for High Sierra (5864 KB)
High Sierra (7843 KB)
for iMac (7701 KB)
Key list EventScripts 1.16
Location where the deployed scripts are installed
Adding an SSD to a Windows 10 OS already installed on an HDD
Edit lua/src/luaconf.h
The last tab on the left is ‘*status’ which is where your commands to control the ZNC server will be able to enter. From my experience I have only used the ‘*status’ tab to use the command:
The team at Alobi cares about delivering a dynamic network environment that inspires you to learn, grow, and evolve.
“Your Settings” in the side panel > Scroll down to “Network” > edit
EventScripts and reliable Bluetooth proximity detection
The advantage of keeping your HDD intact with your old files is that you have all of your unique documents. You can access it as if it were an extra drive. You don’t need to backup your files into another external drive. You don’t need to format (formatting your HDD because you have a lot of things not being used e.g. OS, drivers, and unusable software) your drive if you are fine with keeping all of your unused OS files, drivers, and applications. You aren’t spending time reinstalling software that works after wiping your drive clean. You aren’t spending time cloning your drive. And also you have no rush in doing any optimizations, you can slowly clean out your old HDD whenever you like.
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EventScripts vers.3.16 VIhGo 1.17 on MacOS
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ver. 1.20 EventScripts GG7itE 2.16 10.14.1
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EVENTSCRIPTS V.2.16 DKUS 1.17 Language English
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EventScripts vers 1.19 dol 1.20 Best on Mojave
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EVENTSCRIPTS VER. 1.19 TN3 1.14 Language Portuguese
(6995 kb) Update
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ver 1.18 EventScripts uZbA 1.20 Best! version
Best! version
YA7WAT_GOODTASK_VERS_4.1.6.PKG [13351 kbytes] 3.6.7
to El Captan
PDF-Reader-Pro-ver- [28764 kbytes] 2.2
for MacOS
D1P-qBitTorrent-3.3.15.tar.gz [17418 kbytes] 5.1.6
Languages English English Portuguese
1.5.3.TweetShot.c0TQle.pkg [4533 kbytes] 1.6.5