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Nowadays, mercifully, anything you drag out of the Sidebar can be dragged back in again, including the big-ticket items like Home and Macintosh HD.
- Lock individual notes and notebooks with Touch ID or passcodes.
The idea here is that you can check out a document without having to wait for it to open in the traditional way—at full size. For example, you can read the fine text in a Word or PowerPoint document without actually having to open Word or PowerPoint, which saves you about 45 minutes.
Double-hit the command key to open the Haste Search Window from any application.
* More options!
Zoom Window: zoom the selected view to the window.
Assign up to 3 Hotkeys to a Custom Search. Once you have entered your search text, hit the Hotkeys to reduce the Custom Searches to the one you want.
* Support audio output channels switching.
Dash - Search though any Dash docset that you have downloaded.
[RELEASED] Haste — Search Engine for Unity
The purpose of creating a workflow in Alfred is to allow you to tap into other applications or services by using keywords and hotkeys that trigger a series of actions or scripts. It sounds like it could be complicated, but the developers have built a nice GUI that lets you see how your workflow connects and functions. What’s more, if you are familiar with scripting languages, it opens up a whole new dimension of capabilities.
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