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NetBarrier X9 is a professional-grade firewall and identity-protection application.
- Active application list easily identifies applications using bandwidth as well as incoming vs. outgoing bandwidth for each application
- Logical default profiles for the different kinds of networks you connect to (home, public, and work)
- Automatic profile switching detects when the network connection changes and makes it easy to select a new profile
- Easily blocks/allows connections for specific local devices
- Easily configures primary network channels to/from the Internet and to/from the local network
- Full-time application activity monitoring for anti-spyware measures
- Helps identify rogue applications accessing the Internet to act as zombies, expose your confidential information, or act as backdoors into your computer
- Automatic application activity notification whenever an application is trying to do something on the network (take simple actions to allow or deny the application to run or to interact with specific domains or local devices)
Note: Price shown here is for Net Barrier and Virus Barrier together in the Internet Security X9 bundle.
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