Main category Utilities
Sub category Security
Developer Objective Development Software GmbH
Filesize 41779
Title Little Snitch
4.3.2 Little Snitch
Back to the topic. LittleSnitch is a great piece of software that lets you keep an eye on things. Highly recommend it.
This provides more funding, updates and upgrades. It allows me to keep prices reasonably low (so you are, in fact, getting paid for it).
Network Monitor is your window to the world of network connections. View your Mac’s network activity from three perspectives – a list of apps and servers, a web of connections across the globe and a one hour history of data traffic.
Dan Goodin - Feb 11, 2019 10:59 pm UTC
If it feels like you’re using up more data than you should on a monthly basis, Little Snitch can provide some insight. On the right-hand side is the summary which shows your overall data upload and download numbers. It also shows some statistics that highlight which connections are sending and receiving the most data.
I think the world would be safer with an email plugin that helped you by suggesting that you should not send a document to a given address, based on rules and observations. It'd only be a suggestion so nobody would expect miracles, but it'd stop all the unintentional mistakes our system stopped, for a fraction of the price.
to El Captan | 49717 kbytes |
Recomended Mojave | 43867 kbytes |
That's my default until VPN is up; Firefox only + a few network services that seem to be required Bottom line: Little Snitch is not only a great firewall application, it's educational and fun to use. 0 stars Be the first to review this product Download free trial Buy now for only $9 Write review Would you mind providing some background to that story? It seems obdev is based in Vienna, Austria. What request was there? And why would they need to battle it (rather than toss it into a paper bin)? It doesn't seem like there would be any legal channel for the NSA to compel them to do anything. Ever wanted to know, where in the world your data is sent to? Network Monitor shows the location of all servers your Mac is connected to on an interactive world map. Animated connection lines provide a clear overview of currently transferred data and blocked connections. "Silent Mode – Decide Later
| 48463 kbytes | Keygen
Gb7 ver. 6.3.2 Little Snitch 4.0.4 German version
| 44285 kbytes | Latest
4.0.5 LITTLE SNITCH 30B 4.3.3 Chinese version
| 34258 kbytes | Keygen
V.4.2.4 LITTLE SNITCH CWVV 4.1.3 New Mac Pro
| 49299 kbytes | Latest
zWbaT vers 4.0.1 Little Snitch 4.2.1 English version
| 45121 kbytes | Download
v.4.3.4 Little Snitch Xhi 4.2.4 Featured! version
| 35094 kbytes | Update
R91fg v 4.0.4 Little Snitch 4.1 10.12.5
| 33423 kbytes | Software
sC8x 4.3.6 Little Snitch 4.6.2 Best on Mac
vers_3.0.7_Deliveries_pu2li.dmg (23997 kbytes) 3.1.5
Best on El Captan (9178 kbytes) 3.0.7
Updated MacBook Air
vers_3.1.3_DreamShot_uLx.tar.gz (7224 kbytes) 3.1.2