10240 KB / Relationship / Jumsoft / Personal Info Managers / Business
vers 2.1.4 Relationship
RelationshipSophisticated look. Powerful contact and project management. New features make managing your business relationships easier than ever.
Features Include:
- Complete Contact View: Your contacts are what drive your business forward-these are your clients, colleagues, and business partners. Relationship lets you capture a full contact picture instantly. In addition to the typical contact details (name, phone number, email address, etc.), Relationship displays the names of projects that involve your contact, meetings scheduled with your contact, and much more. Building strong, continuing relationships does not have to be difficult.
- In-Depth Projects: See everything in one place as you manage your projects with Relationship. Link each project to contacts involved, events related, and tasks to be performed. Add relevant bookmarks, emails, sticky notes, and documents to make the project picture complete.
- Every Task: Presents an effortless way of handling a variety of tasks that you face in your everyday activities. Tasks can be linked to relevant contacts and projects, providing you with a frame of reference that's richer and more functional than just a name and due date.
- Event Calendar: Makes scheduling and remembering meetings and other events completely undemanding. The event feature records specifics about the time and place of each of your events and allows you to set up alarm reminders. If you have recurring events, you can choose to repeat them daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly.
- Integrated Email: provides an easy and productive way to communicate with your customers, prospects, and colleagues. You can integrate your email accounts to send and receive messages directly in the application. To give your email messages a more powerful context, link them to relevant contacts or projects. Managing email marketing campaigns becomes a lot easier when you link Relationship's emailing and contact group features.
- Browsing and Bookmarking: Emailing is not the only integrated communication tool in Relationship. There is also an embedded browser, which allows browsing the Web without leaving the application. Bookmarking lets you easily return to your favorite Web pages and link them to your selected contacts or projects.
- Sticky Notes: Create casual sticky notes and link them to a contact or project in your database. Or use them independently of other functions. These notes are ideal for reminders and bits of data that do not fit anywhere else, but that are nevertheless valuable and cannot be lost.
- Document Your Work: For further convenience, you can add spreadsheets, text documents, movies, sounds, and other files to Relationship. Keep them for future use or link them to your contacts and projects to create a more versatile context for your CRM activities.
New on MacBook
Relationship.version.2.1.7.SlA.app {9523 kbytes}
for 10.11.6
mkx2q-relationship-v.2.3.4.tar.gz {11264 kbytes}
Best MacOS
Best! version
RELATIONSHIP.VERS.3.1.4.AAVYT.ZIP {10752 kbytes}
Featured Sierra
8ZUlZw.ver.2.1.5.Relationship.tar.gz {9113 kbytes}
on High Sierra
cCeuj_Oyster_vers_1.8.zip (4472 kb) 3.4
Featured iMac
6.3.5_shootShifter_ZEBe.pkg (4270 kb) 6.3.4
Featured on Mac Pro
5GjBg-RecArtNet-ver-2.4.tar.gz (2386 kb) 1.5
ZT0ZF.DVDREMASTER.8.0.7.PKG (32407 kb) 10.0.3
(9830 KB)
uQQI Relationship vers 2.1.8 2.3.4 Best Sierra
(9420 KB) Free
VER 2.3.4 RELATIONSHIP QKLLCL 2.1.8 Updated for 10.14.3
(11059 KB) Update
DmEZD 2.1.5 Relationship 2.2.4 Recomended for 10.12.4
(10649 KB) Software
Relationship version 3.1.4 R6V 2.1.8 Updated on Mac
(8192 KB) Update
Relationship 2.2.4 JDE 2.1.6 Featured iMac Pro
(11878 KB) Get
hDHGc6 Relationship 2.3.4 2.1.5 New Sierra
(9420 KB) Download
Relationship v.2.1.6 HjZve1 2.2.4 for 10.13.4