Main category -
Sub category - Developer Tools
Developer - Hankinsoft Development, Inc.
Filesize - 75366
Title - SQLPro Studio
➡ version_1.0.465_SQLPro Studio.pkg
Rated 5 out of 5 stars Been using it for a month now and I love the modern sleek interface. It's very similar to Postico (which is Postgres only unfortunately). One killer feature for me is that you can assign colors to connections. When you open a window this color is prominently displayed at the top, very useful for distinguishing production and dev. ⌘+P command prompt is also supported, like in Sublime Text. Some nice touches is that you can assign custom icons to connections and that empty space is filled with cute drawings. One thing I miss is that if you don't specify a DB in the connection info, the main window doesn't list all the available DBs, you have to ⌘+K to get the selection panel. It's the best free database access software out there. Keyboard shortcuts are generally intuitive and easy to get used to, which makes working on it a lot faster. UI is simple and functional. Sorry! My comment before edit excluded the note about DBCLI being a different type of product (: "Vim for databases" is very clear. macos - SQL Client for Mac OS X that works with MS SQL Server Base 2 - A commercial GUI available only for Mac OS X.
Best Mac | 63307 kb |
Featured! version | 76119 kb |
It allows us to login to our database server and run sql commands on our databases.
Keyboard Integrated Keyboard
SQLPro for Postgres - macOS Postgres Management UI
TablePlus releases a new update every week with a lot of new features and bug fixes. They are also very responsive to the feature request and bug report. While Sequel Pro is still overwhelming with the requests for MySQL 8 support, TablePlus has it already.
"Great Lightweight FREE SQL Application"
Development Office & Productivity
I'm developer and I develop every day.
| 62553 kbytes | Free
ver 1.0.453 SQLPro Studio T2gE79 1.0.475 Recomended 10.13.4
| 74612 kbytes | Software
VERS.1.0.416 SQLPRO STUDIO DPCUXM 1.1.465 Featured! version
| 71597 kbytes | Free
5VBL SQLPro Studio ver. 1.0.495 1.0.149 on Mojave
| 83656 kbytes | Free
vq2dH vers 1.0.475 SQLPro Studio 2.0.465 Updated for 10.11.4
| 76119 kbytes | Download
iAx7pD v.1.0.325 SQLPro Studio 1.0.454 Best for 10.12.4
| 73105 kbytes | Software
wWu3L4 SQLPro Studio 1.0.156 1.0.418 Featured to Mac
| 85163 kbytes | Download
0yF SQLPro Studio v 1.0.460 1.0.485 Version to Mac Pro
New! version
1IibQ.vers.2017.0.180.Band-in-a-Box.tar.gz {54075 kb} 2018.1.263
Recomended for 10.13 {6285 kb} 3.6.4257