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I was just sent a link to PAST free software for scientific data analysis, with functions for data manipulation, plotting, univariate and multivariate statistics, ecological analysis, time series and spatial analysis, morphometrics and stratigraphy.
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The macro language seems a nice feature, but I have not figured out how to use it yet.
Datagraph and R. Support from the chaps at Datagraph is incredible! On the other hand R is extremely powerful and well worth investing the time to learn how to use it.
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Update fixes issue that occurs with showing Support window in some cases also fixes all known bugs. Hi, If I understand correctly what you wan't to do, you're looking for code like this: - (void)plotGraphWithXData:(float *)xData yData:(float *)yData pointCount:(int)n { ... xScale = (canvasWidth - 2.0*margin)/(xRangeHigh - xRangeLow); yScale = (canvasHeight - 2.0*margin)/(yRangeHigh - yRangeLow); ... // Plot data (line) [adapter moveToPoint:NSMakePoint(margin + xData[0]*xScale, margin + yData[0]*yScale)]; for (i=1; iGo->iDisk->Other User's Public Folder... Username:persquare HTH, Per Get the iOS app to have synced data with you all the time! Then download crack file for this app from right here. aquaterm-user — Discussion and support for AquaTerm users Exporting data now has a progress bar and a Cancel button DaisyDisk New in 1.7.17:
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