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Macdoku editor (not creator); supported? This version introduces a Web Application which creates an interactive environment for solving AKARI puzzles. An option is provided in the menu bar of the Akari Construction screen to export all of the software resources you will need to establish a fully interactive Akari solving facility within your own web site. Full instructions to guide you through this process are included under the Help menu item of the Akari Construction screen. A working example of this Web-App is available here. -More than a crossword creator If all that fails, you can take the befuddling clue to the Crossword Help Forum that seems to have pretty healthy Q&A sessions going on. Cosmoscroll
Crossword Creator automatically creates crosswords using words
A fresh installation of OS X will bring the 'wizard' back, but there is no real need to go to that extreme.
-Load Mac or PC crosswords on either platform
Author's review
Japanese Review on AppLiv (Review link)
Crossword Puzzle
From here you can change Language settings, iCloud account (iTunes, Apple ID) and many other initial settings.
Best Free Tangram Puzzle Game for Mac OS
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